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Low temperature water bath bed use Description:
1, the use of medium speed in the speed range can extend the service life of the water bath thermostatic cradle.
2, water bath thermostatic cradle should be placed on a stronger worktable. The environment should be kept clean and tidy, ventilated and dry, and water supply and drainage is convenient.
3. Before using the water bath thermostatic cradle, place the speed control knob in the minimum position and turn off the "oscillating switch".
4. The following points should be paid attention to:
(1) uniform distribution;
(2) liquid loading should not be too small to prevent test bottles from floating.
(3) seal the bottle mouth tightly and prevent condensation of water drops into the test bottle.
5, tap water into the water tank, the water level should be slightly higher than the inner surface of the test bottle.
6, connect the external power supply, put the power switch in the "open" position, and the indicator light is on.
7. Select the temperature of the constant temperature:
(1) set the temperature: press the SET key to set or check the temperature setting point. According to the SET key digital tube character start flashing, indicating that the instrument enters the set state, according to the delta key set value increase, according to the set value reduction, long press the delta or the key data will change quickly, again according to the SET key instrument back to the normal working state temperature setting, start the heating indicator light.
(2) set in advance: press the SET key for 3 seconds to enter the inner parameter setting state. The first parameter that appears and flashes is the stop advance, and the advance parameter should be carefully adjusted. In order to reduce the temperature overshoot, the instrument control heating output will be cut off in advance. When the temperature falls below the advance amount, it will start heating again. The output (relay) in the set value and advance range will not work, so that the output (relay) will not work. The number of relay actions can be reduced to prolong the service life of the relay. Example: if the set value is 50 C and the advance amount is 0.5, the relay is released when the instrument is heated to 49.5 C, and the relay is absorbed when the temperature falls to 50 -0.5 C =49.5 C. The greater the amount of advance, the less the number of relay actions. The accuracy of the control is reduced. After adjusting the advance parameters, press the SET key for 3 seconds to return to the working state. (Note: the advance setting is specially designed to prevent the temperature from being too high after the heating is stopped.
(3) error correction: the display value can be corrected when the value of the meter is not correct. According to the SET key 3 seconds into the inner menu of the instrument, the first parameter that appears and flashes is E00, and then the parameter that appears and flashes at a SET key, that is, the error correction parameter. The range of error correction is from -9.9 to +9.9 C. once the correction is completed, press SET button to exit. The corrected value of the meter is 0 when it is released from the factory. It is necessary to prevent incorrect display of the correct instrument when used.
8, select timing, turn the timing knob to "timing" or "normally open" position.
9, open the "oscillating switch", the indicator light is light, slowly adjust the speed control knob, up to the required speed.
10、每次停機(jī)前,各開關(guān)應(yīng)置于非工作狀態(tài),定時(shí)器置“零”,切斷電源。 禁止在水箱無水狀態(tài)使用加熱器。若長(zhǎng)期停用水浴恒溫?fù)u床,應(yīng)將水箱內(nèi)的水排除并用軟布擦干。

10, before each shutdown, the switches should be placed in a non working state, the timer will be set to zero, and the power will be cut off. No heater is used in water tank without water. If the water bath thermostat is suspended for a long time, the water in the tank should be removed and dried with a soft cloth