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TTi2511 TG2511函數(shù)信號發(fā)生器

會員指數(shù): 企業(yè)認證:   


所在地:廣東 深圳市





劉怡亮13418955759(先生) 經(jīng)理 


Digital Amplitude Offset Yes Digi




Digital Amplitude & Offset Yes
Digital Frequency Yes
Frequency Range 1μHz → 25MHz
Int/Ext AM up to 100% Yes
Internal Lin/Log Sweep Yes
Variable Sweep Yes

Aim-TTi TG2511 Function Generator with Arbitrary and Pulse 25MHz

The TG2511 is a low cost, high performance DDS function generator that also incorporates full pulse generator and arbitrary generator capabilities. A high resolution graphics LCD provides representative waveform displays, and arbitrary waveforms can be saved and loaded via the front mounted USB Flash drive socket, or via the USB and LAN (Ethernet) interfaces.

1μHz to 25MHz frequency range; 14 digits or 1μHz resolution
Standard waveforms include sine, square, ramp, pulse, sin(x)/x, exponents and noise
True pulse generator mode with variable delay and variable rise/fall
Arbitrary waveforms of up to 128K points at 125MS/s
Waveform storage using USB flash drives
Large graphic LCD with simultaneous text and waveform display
Comprehensive internal/external modulations including AM, FM, PM, PWM and FSK
20mV to 20V pk-pk output from 50?; correction for other load impedances
Storage for multiple instrument set-ups in non-volatile memory
Half-rack 2U case with protective buffer and multi-position handle
Waveform Manager Plus for Windows creation/editing software included
Programmable via USB and LAN interfaces; LXI class C compliant

Sine Wave 1μHz to 25MHz, 14 digits or 1μHz resolution
Harmonics (1V pk-pk) dc to 20MHz: -65dBc; 20kHz to 100kHz: -60dBc;
100kHz to 1MHz: -45dBc; 1MHz to 25MHz: -40dBc
Square Wave 1μHz to 25MHz, 14 digits or 1μHz resolution
Rise & Fall Times <13ns
Pulse 0.5mHz to 6.25MHz, 14 digits or 1μHz resolution
Width and Delay Range Width: 20ns to 2000s; Delay: 0ns to 2000s
Rise & Fall Times Independently adjustable between <8ns and 40μs
Triangle & Ramps 1μHz to 250kHz, 12 digits or 1μHz resolution
Symmetry/Linearity 0.0 % to 100.0 %, 0.1% resolution ; <0.1% to 30 kHz
Noise Gaussian white noise 20MHz bandwidth
Arbitrary Waveforms  
Sample Rate/ Resolution 125MS/s; 14 bits
Waveform Length Up to 128k points (2 points to 131072 points)
Maximum Frequency 6MHz maximum waveform repetition rate
Waveform Storage Up to 4 waveform internally, up to 1000 waveforms per memory stick
Waveforms Supplied Sinc, Exponential Rise/Fall, Logarithmic Rise/Fall, Cardiac, Gaussian, Haversine, Havercosine, Lorentz
Waveform Editing Built-in point-to-point editor. Full creation and editing on PC using Waveform Manager Plus, transfer by memory stick or digital interfaces
Frequency Accuracy and Phase Locking  
Accuracy Internal: 1ppm over 18 to 28oC; External: lock to 10MHz reference
Phase Lock Multiple generators can be phase locked using Clock and Sync In/Out
Output Level  
Amplitude 10mV to 10V pk-pk into 50? (20mV to 20V pk-pk emf)
DC Offset 0V to ± 5V into 50? at any amplitude
Load Correction Can be selected as 50? or Hi-Z or any impedance from 1? to 10k?
Flatness (Sine) < 0.15dB to 5MHz, <0.3dB to 25MHz
Modulations - AM, FM, PM, PWM, FSK, Noise, Sweep, Gate, Burst  
Sweep 1μHz to 25MHz phase continuous, lin/log, up/down, internal or external
AM 0.0% to 120.0%, external or internal using any waveform, dc to 20kHz
FM DC to Fmax/2; external or internal using any waveform, dc to 20kHz
PM -360.0 to +360.0o; external or internal using any waveform, dc to 20kHz
PWM (Pulse only) 0% to 100% of width; external or internal using any waveform, dc to 20kHz
Noise Noise can be used as a modulator, or can be added to any waveform
External Modulation Input AM, FM, PM, PWM: ± 5V full scale, DC to 20kHz
Trigger Functions Gated or triggered burst, 1 to 1M cycles or infinite, variable start/stop phase
Source: keyboard, trigger generator, external in socket or bus interface
Internal Trigger Generator 2mHz to 1MHz square wave adjustable in 1us steps, 9 digit resolution
Digital Interfaces  
USB Flash Drive Front mounted socket for USB flash memory, up to 1000 waveforms and 1000 setups per device
Remote Control Full control and file transfer via USB and LAN interfaces (LXI class C)
Power Requirement 110-240VAC ±10% 50/60Hz; 60VA; Installation Category II
Size & Weight 250 x 97 x 270mm (or 2U ½-rack without buffers/handle. 2.55kg


EN61010-1, EN61326


Operating Manual, Waveform Manager Plus for Windows arbitrary waveform software, IVI Driver software, power lead

Function Generators: Digital Synthesis

免責聲明:以上所展示的[TTi2511 TG2511函數(shù)信號發(fā)生器]信息由會員[深圳東金儀器有限公司]自行提供,內(nèi)容的真實性、準確性和合法性由發(fā)布會員負責。



