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貨號(hào)CYT-318 重組人內(nèi)脂素

會(huì)員指數(shù): 企業(yè)認(rèn)證: 









Catalogue Number CYT-318 Synonyms PBEF, Pre-B


     公司目前已與國(guó)外多家著名試劑供應(yīng)商建立了長(zhǎng)期穩(wěn)定的合作關(guān)系,公司目前已經(jīng)成為osenses(澳大利亞)、lifespan(美國(guó))、neuromics(美國(guó))、everest biotech(英國(guó))、anaspec(美國(guó))、biosensis(澳大利亞)、adar(以色列)、prospec(以色列)、biotrend(德國(guó))、randox(英國(guó))、biaffin(德國(guó))、usbio(美國(guó))、innovabiosciences(英國(guó))、gallus(加拿大)、advimmuno(美國(guó))等多家國(guó)外公司的國(guó)內(nèi)獨(dú)家代理和一級(jí)代理。這將進(jìn)一步為中國(guó)科技人員或科技公司提供更多更好的產(chǎn)品, 有些少見(jiàn)的產(chǎn)品填補(bǔ)了市場(chǎng)的空白。


Catalogue Number CYT-318
Synonyms PBEF, Pre-B cell colony-enhancing factor, Nicotinamide phosphoribosyltransferase NAmPRTase, Nampt, MGC117256, DKFZP666B131, 1110035O14Rik.
Introduction Excess adiposity is the most important risk in the development of insulin resistance and type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM). Adipose tissue produces several proteins (adipocytokines) such as leptin, adiponectin, resistin, tumor necrosis factor-?, and IL-6, that modulate insulin sensitivity and appear to play an important role in the pathogenesis of insulin resistance, diabetes, dyslipidemia, inflammation, and atherosclerosis. However, the mechanisms by which fat tissue induces insulin resistance and the role of adipocytokines in the pathogenesis of T2DM have not been well established. Visfatin, also known as pre-B cell colony-enhancing factor (PBEF), is a cytokine that is highly expressed in visceral fat and was originally isolated as a secreted factor that synergizes with IL-7 and stem cell factors to promote the growth of B cell precursors. Visfatin homologs have been identified in carp, invertebrate mollusks, and bacteria, as well as in vertebrates, including humans and the mouse. It has been postulated to play a role in innate immunity.
Visfatin exerts insulin-mimetic effects that are dose-dependent and quantitatively similar to those of insulin in stimulating muscle and adipocyte glucose transport, and in inhibiting hepatocyte glucose production. Intravenous injection of recombinant visfatin in mice decreased plasma glucose in a dose-dependent fashion. In keeping with its insulin-mimetic effects, visfatin was as effective as insulin in reducing hyperglycemia in insulin-deficient diabetic mice. Visfatin was also found to be bound to and activate insulin receptor, causing receptor phosphorylation and the activation of downstream signaling molecules. However, visfatin and insulin did not compete for binding to the insulin receptor, indicating that the two proteins were recognized by different regions of the receptor. Thus, visfatin might play a role in glucose homeostasis and dysregulation in biosynthesis or signal transduction, and might contribute to the pathogenesis of diabetes.
Description Visfatin Human Recombinant produced in E.Coli is a single, non-glycosylated, polypeptide chain containing 348 amino acids and having 11 N-terminal flag tag The total molecular mass is 39.6 kDa (calculated). The amino acid sequence of the recombinant human Visfatin is 100% homologous to the amino acid sequence Pro27-Glu363 of the human Visfatin.
The Visfatin is purified by Flag-affinity chromatography.
Source Escherichia Coli.
Physical Appearance White lyophilized (freeze-dried) powder.
Formulation Filtered (0.4 µm) and lyophilized from 0.5 mg/ml in 20mM Tris, 20mM NaCl, pH 7.5.
Solubility Add 20mM Tris, 20mM NaCl, pH 7.5 to prepare a working stock solution of approximately 0.5 mg/mL and let the lyophilized pellet dissolve completely. Product is not sterile! Please filter the product by an appropriate sterile filter before using it in the cell culture.
Stability Lyophilized Visfatin although stable at room temperature for 3 weeks, should be stored desiccated below -18°C. Upon reconstitution Visfatin should be stored at 4°C between 2-7 days and for future use below
For long term storage it is recommended to add a carrier protein (0.1% HSA or BSA).
Please prevent freeze-thaw cycles.
Purity Greater than 95.0% as determined by SDS-PAGE.
Applications Western Blot.
Usage ProSpec's products are furnished for LABORATORY RESEARCH USE ONLY. The product may not be used as drugs, agricultural or pesticidal products, food additives or household chemicals.
Related Products
» Visfatin Antibody
» Visfatin Human, His
» Visfatin Mouse
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貨號(hào)A1828,0001   Trypsin inhibitor from soybean >7000 BAEE       胰蛋白酶抑制劑    1g    ¥1,334
貨號(hào)A1828,0250   Trypsin inhibitor from soybean >7000 BAEE      胰蛋白酶抑制劑    250mg    ¥516
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貨號(hào)A1907,0250   Amphotericin B BioChemica 兩性霉素B    250mg    ¥1,448
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貨號(hào)A2116,0050   Agarose medium EEO        瓊脂糖 中EEO     50g ¥1,403
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貨號(hào)A5194,0005   DNA Marker Phage Lambda - Sty I      DNA Marker (入噬菌體 酶切)      50μg     ¥457
貨號(hào)A5196,0005   DNA pUC19 Plasmid     pUC19質(zhì)粒DNA   0,05mg   ¥1,585
貨號(hào)A5197,0005   DNA Phage T7       T7噬菌體DNA     0.05mg   ¥2,398
貨號(hào)A5220,0005   DNA Marker Phage Lambda - BstE II   DNA Marker (入噬菌體 酶切)      50μg     ¥434
貨號(hào)A5223,0005   DNA Marker Phage Lambda - Hind III DNA Marker (入噬菌體 酶切)      50μg     ¥347
貨號(hào)A5238,0500   Protein Marker I (14-116)     蛋白質(zhì)marker I 14-116kD    500μl     ¥738
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貨號(hào)A5474,0025   Rhodamine 6G (C.I. 45160) 羅丹明6G      25g ¥445
貨號(hào)A5589,0100   DNA Marker Phage Lambda Hind III (lyophilised)       DNA Marker (入噬菌體 酶切)      100μg    ¥947
貨號(hào)A6352,0025   Ampicillin sodium salt pure Ph. Eur.     氨芐青霉素鈉鹽    25g ¥826
貨號(hào)A6435,0050   Chloramphenicol pure Ph. Eur.      氯霉素    50g ¥354
貨號(hào)A6611,0010   Albumin_ human    白蛋白 (人)     10mg      ¥521
貨號(hào)A6611,0100   Albumin, human     白蛋白 (人)     100mg    ¥461
貨號(hào)A6775,0005   Azure B (C.I. 52010)     天青B/天藍(lán)B /三甲硫紫      5g    ¥676
貨號(hào)A6872,0250   D-Glucosamine hydrochloride BioChemica   D-葡萄糖胺   250g       ¥1,207
貨號(hào)A6932,0500   Bradford - Solution for Protein determination       Bradford蛋白定量溶液 500ml     ¥1,223
貨號(hào)A6980,0025   Pepsinogen II, human    胃蛋白酶原II,人源    25μg     ¥1,133
貨號(hào)A7002,0025   Neomycin sulfate pure Ph. Eur.     新霉素    25g ¥432
貨號(hào)A7003,0100   Streptomycin sulfate pure Ph. Eur.       硫酸鏈霉素    100g       ¥950
貨號(hào)A7016,500     TBS (Tris-buffered saline, 10X)    TBS       500ml     ¥1,069
貨號(hào)A7086,0001   Lithium 3,5-diiodosalicylate   3,5-二碘水楊酸鋰 1g    ¥628
貨號(hào)A7282,0250   Betaine hydrochloride pure    甜菜堿    250g       ¥553
貨號(hào)A7686,0005   5-Fluorouracil (BioChemica) 5-氟尿嘧啶    5g    ¥613
貨號(hào)A7686,0005   5-Fluorouracil (BioChemica) 5-氟尿嘧啶    5g    ¥613
貨號(hào)CYT-201       重組人紅細(xì)胞生成素-a EPO-a     5µg ¥900
貨號(hào)CYT-209       重組人白介素-2    Human IL-2    10µg       ¥900
貨號(hào)CYT-211重組人白介素-4    IL-4 2µg ¥900
貨號(hào)CYT-213       重組人白介素-6    IL-6 5µg ¥900
貨號(hào)CYT-216       重組人胰島素樣生長(zhǎng)因子-1 Human IGF-1 20µg       ¥900
貨號(hào)CYT-222A     重組小鼠粒細(xì)胞巨噬細(xì)胞集落刺激因子    mGMCSF      2μg       ¥900
貨號(hào)CYT-223       重組人腫瘤壞死因子-a hTNF-a 10µg       ¥900
貨號(hào)CYT-227       重組大鼠瘦素       rLeptin    20µg       ¥900
貨號(hào)CYT-241A     重組人血管內(nèi)皮生長(zhǎng)因子    VEGF     2μg       ¥900
貨號(hào)CYT-280       重組人脂聯(lián)素       Acrp30    5µg ¥900
貨號(hào)CYT-289       重組大鼠胰島素樣生長(zhǎng)因子-1    rIGF-1    10μg     ¥900
貨號(hào)CYT-318       重組人內(nèi)脂素       Visfatin Hu      25µg       ¥1,900
貨號(hào)CYT-318       重組人內(nèi)脂素       Visfatin Hu      5µg ¥900
貨號(hào)CYT-326       重組小鼠表皮生長(zhǎng)因子       mEGF     100µg     ¥900
貨號(hào)CYT-336       重組小鼠血管內(nèi)皮生長(zhǎng)因子       mVEGF   2µg ¥900
貨號(hào)CYT-382A     重組大鼠白介素-2 rIL-2       5µg ¥900
貨號(hào)CYT-388       重組大鼠白介素-6 rIL-6       2µg ¥900
貨號(hào)CYT-394       重組大鼠白介素-1β    rIL 1 beta       2µg ¥900
貨號(hào)CYT-405       重組豬腫瘤壞死因子-a rpTNF-a 5µg ¥900
貨號(hào)CYT-446A     重組人白介素-13 IL 13       2µg ¥900
貨號(hào)CYT-569       重組人活化素-A    Activin-A 2µg ¥900
貨號(hào)CYT-569       重組人活化素-A    Activin-A 2µg ¥900
貨號(hào)CYT-580       重組人色素上皮衍生因子    PEDF      20µg       ¥1,900
貨號(hào)ENZ-308       Taq DNA聚合酶(4支一套)    TaqDNA 1,000U    ¥900
貨號(hào)PRO-445       U1snRNP-68 U1snRNP-68 20µg       ¥1,900
Human HDL 高密度脂蛋白膽固醇 Specifications :MF, AF, C (10mg/ml);Source:Human blood ;Purity:98% 2mg 1200
DiI-HDL DiI 熒光標(biāo)記高密度脂蛋白 pecifications :MF, AF , C;Source:Human blood;Purity:98% ;300ug 2300
[I125] Human HDL 碘125標(biāo)記人高密度脂蛋白pecifications :MF, AF, (100-300cpm/ng); Source:Human blood; 300uCi 2800
Human LDL人低密度脂蛋白 pecifications :MF, AF, C (2-4mg/ml;Source:Human blood;Purity :98% 2mg 1200
DiI-LDL DiI標(biāo)記人低密度脂蛋白 pecifications :MF, AF, C;Source :Human blood 300ug 2300
[I125] Human LDL 碘125標(biāo)記人低密度脂蛋白 pecifications :MF, AF, (100-300cpm/ng) , C;Source :Human blood;Purity :98% 100uCi 2600
DiO-LDL DiO標(biāo)記人低密度脂蛋白 pecifications :MF, AF, C;Source :Human blood 300ug 2700
Human Ac-LDL 人乙?;兔芏戎鞍?pecifications :MF, AF, (2mg/ml), C;Source :Human blood;Purity :98% 2mg 1200
DiI-Ac-LDL DiI標(biāo)記乙?;说兔芏戎鞍?pecifications :MF, AF, (200ug/ml), C;Source :Human blood 200ug 2800
Dio-Ac-LDL DiO標(biāo)記乙?;说兔芏戎鞍?pecifications :MF, AF, (200ug/ml), C;Source :Human blood 300ug 2300
[I125] Human Ac-LDL 碘125標(biāo)記乙?;说兔芏戎鞍?pecifications :MF, AF, (100-300cpm/ng), C;Source :Human blood;Purity :98% 100uCi 2600
Human Ox-LDL 人氧化低密度脂蛋白 pecifications :MF, AF, Tbars, (1.5-2.5mg/ml), C;Source :Human blood;Purity :98% 2mg 1200
DiI-Ox-LDL DiI標(biāo)記人氧化低密度脂蛋白 pecifications :MF, AF, (200ug/Vial), C;Source :Human blood 300ug 2300
[I125] Ox-LDL 碘125標(biāo)記人氧化低密度脂蛋白 pecifications :MF, AF, Tbars, (100-300cpm/ng), C ;Source :Human blood;Purity :98% 100uCi 2600
Human Lp[a] 人脂蛋白a pecifications :Contains 0.01% Azide ;Source :Human blood;Purity :98% 2mg 1200
Human VLDL 人極低密度脂蛋白 pecifications :MF, AF, C (1-2mg/ml) ;Source :Human blood;Purity :98% 2mg 1200
DiI-VLDL DiI標(biāo)記的人極低密度脂蛋白
[I125] Human VLDL 碘125標(biāo)記的人極低密度脂蛋白
Lipoprotein Deficient H.Plasma 去脂蛋白血清

免責(zé)聲明:以上所展示的[貨號(hào)CYT-318 重組人內(nèi)脂素]信息由會(huì)員[上海經(jīng)科化學(xué)科技有限公司]自行提供,內(nèi)容的真實(shí)性、準(zhǔn)確性和合法性由發(fā)布會(huì)員負(fù)責(zé)。



